Cancelled – Chilton Village Meeting Wednesday 17th April 2024

Unfortunately we are postponing the Village Meeting (previously arranged for Wednesday, 17th April) until later in the year, probably a date in June TBC. This is due to the unavailability of the proposed venue. The new date and agenda will be communicated as soon as it has been decided

The Chilton Community Green Space – Project Management Plan

The Chilton Community Green Space steering group has produced a Project Management Plan which is available to all residents. The proposed timeline will deliver an accessible and safe open space for the village to enjoy by summer 2024, with infrastructure in place by summer 2025. The Project Management Plan includes details of the rationale, project phases, estimated budget and risks. If you’re interested in learning more or have any questions, please contact Kate Heald ().


Chilton Community Green Space Project – Project Scope, Project Management Plan and Risk Register (Download PDF)

Chilton Parish Council Launches WhatsApp Group

Hello, Residents of Chilton & Easington,
Chilton Parish Council have set up a Chilton & Easington WhatsApp Group to communicate village bulletins and events.
We already have a number of communication channels, including email, Facebook and the new website, but we’re still finding that not everyone in the village is being reached.
WhatsApp is widely used and a great way of keeping everyone informed through short messages.

To set up the group, we’ve used WhatsApp Community which has two important features: –

  1. The Chilton & Easington Community group is an “announcement only” channel. The administrators can post an announcement, but the group members can’t reply, thus avoiding the main message being lost in chat.
  2. The Community Group can have any number of sub-groups each with their own administrator. These could include school lift shares, Chilton Greenspace, Chilton
    Socials, dog walkers etc. As a member of the Community, you can request to set up a group as an administrator and other members have the choice to join if it’s a group that interests them.

The Parish Council will keep messaging to a minimum but will include announcements on events, project news, meeting dates and ad-hoc bulletins such as road closures or utility updates as we’re made aware of them.

Chilton PC reserves the right to close any sub-group if it’s misused in any way and you can leave the Community group at any time.

To join the Chilton & Easington WhatsApp Community just scan the QR code using the camera function on WhatsApp.


Your name and number will be visible only to the group administrators and anyone who has you as a contact on their phone.

Please see the PC website for a copy of the Privacy Policy

Thank you and we look forward to building the Chilton community.

Chilton Parish Council

If you have any problems accessing the WhatsApp community please contact Bobs Damerell

Easter 3

Easter Service at St Mary’s Church

There will be an Easter Family Service @ 9.15 on Sunday 31st March, followed by an Easter Egg Hunt.

All are welcome, including visitors and dogs (not so much on the Easter Egg trail, in case they get there first!).

Oh, and don’t forget, that’s the day that the clocks change, so don’t be late!



Village Clean-up – Change of Date


We’ve had to change the date of the


We’re giving Chilton & Easington a spring-clean!


Date: Saturday 23rd March

Time: 9.30am-12.30pm

Meeting place: 4 Chapel Lane (first house on the right of Chapel Lane)

Post clean-up refreshments: 12.30pm – Bacon rolls, tea and coffee

You might have noticed the huge amount of litter dropped on verges and hedgerows in and around the parish. It looks dreadful so let’s clear it up!

We’ll also be clearing the gutters of winter debris and generally giving the village a good spring clean.

We’ll supply litter pickers, hi-viz tabards, rubbish bags and disposable gloves. Please bring garden tools if you fancy tidying the footpaths, gutters and the churchyard.

Everyone welcome!

If you can spare an hour or so to get the village ready for spring, please email me as we’d like to know how many bacon butties we need to make :0)


Parish Council image

Chilton Parish Council Public Meeting – Thursday March 7th

The next Parich Councill meeting will take place on Thursday 7th March.

7.30pm start in  Bruern Abbey School

Right-hand classroom in the school car park next to St Mary’s church


All residents are welcome to attend and also to submit additional items for inclusion on the agenda to the Clerk by February 28th

Please note: The minutes of the meeting held on 31st January are now available on our website

Village Litter Pick & Cleanup

We’re giving Chilton & Easington a spring clean!
Date: Sunday 17th March
Time: 9.30 am-12.30 pm
Meeting place: 4 Chapel Lane (first house on the right of Chapel Lane)
Post-clean-up refreshments: 12.30 pm – Bacon rolls, tea and coffee
You might have noticed the huge amount of litter dropped on verges and hedgerows in and around the parish. It looks dreadful, so let’s clear it up!
We’ll also be clearing the gutters of winter debris and generally giving the village a good spring clean.
We’ll supply litter pickers, hi-viz tabards, rubbish bags and disposable gloves. Please bring garden tools if you fancy tidying the footpaths, gutters and the churchyard.
Everyone welcome!
If you can spare an hour or so to get the village ready for spring, please email me, as I’d like to know how many bacon butties I need to make

News of the Community Greenspace project

The project aimed at creating a new community green space for Chilton made some good progress in 2023; an options appraisal for the which site to select was completed, the Parish Council then secured a new lease arrangement from Chilton Home Farms Ltd. for the land on Thame Road (opposite Princes Close which had previously served as a playground in the 1990s), a village survey was completed to gather views on what residents would like to see in the green space and, finally, in December 2023 the overgrown vegetation on the land was cleared. Please visit the site and view its great potential to act as a future community asset for the village.

So, what’s next for 2024? It has started off well with a New Year’s Day litter clearance of the site. Here is one resident, Emilia (aged 7), after collecting four full rubbish bags of mostly cans and bottles (with many of these pre-dating this century!).



The remaining Winter and Spring months will see a focus on clearing some of the overgrown hedges & dying trees in front of the land to improve sightlines for both the crossing and to the green space itself, continue to work with Buckinghamshire Council on other traffic safety measure options for the crossing, levelling the land and raising further funds through a range of routes including grants.

There are various phases to this project with the exact timelines, in part, being dictated by the available resources (both in terms of active volunteers and finance).

If you would like to volunteer to join the Project Group and support its further development in 2024, please contact Stephen Pinel (07818 822478 or email  ). We’re particularly interested to hear from anyone with landscape design expertise!


community green space

Chilton Community Green Space Survey – Have Your Say

We are pushing forward with our Community Greenspace project and need to hear from you.
We want to know exactly what you want the Greenspace to be and need to hear your suggestions.
Would you mind taking two minutes to complete this online form?
It would be great if you could submit your response by Sunday, 8th October 2023. 
Thank you!
If you would prefer to complete a paper copy, please visit the noticeboard in the Chilton bus shelter and return to Frances Stacey (14 Thame Road, Chilton).

Let’s set up an Environment Group

Volunteers Wanted for the Chilton Environment Team

Chilton Parish Council is setting up a team of volunteer residents to support the PC in enhancing the appearance and environment of Chilton & Easington.

This Environment Team would;

  • Organise the village clean-up events and working parties for specific projects.
  • Organise village participation initiatives – for example, a spring bulb planting project.
  • Monitor and maintain the footpaths and stiles around the parish. Maintenance would be carried out by landowners, sub-contractors and village volunteers.
  • Report maintenance issues of village infrastructure, trees and verges to the Parish Council.
  • Suggest investments and projects that improve the aesthetics of our village.

A community-led Environment Team has worked well in neighbouring villages, making a real difference to their village centres and surroundings, so let’s replicate the model.

To do this, we need the help of the community itself, so if you care about Chilton and want to see how you can help improve the village, please get in touch.

Nick Wasey

Chair – Chilton PC

Nick Wasey

Chair – Chilton PC