CHANGE OF DATE – Annual Meeting of Chilton Parish Council now to be held Monday 24th May 2021

Please note that we have changed the date of the Annual Meeting of  Chilton Parish Council to:

Tuesday 24th May, 7:30 pm

St. Mary’s Church, Dorton Road HP18 9NA

Download the agenda here

If you are unable to attend or would prefer not to come in person, please join us online on Zoom:

Meeting ID 82473221886

Passcode ChiltonPC

Members of the public are invited to submit additional items for inclusion on the agenda no later than Thursday 20th May @ 5pm to the Clerk. The agenda will be available on the Chilton website 3 working days before the meeting. or use the details below


Please note: Members of the public cannot comment during the meeting until invited to do so by the Chair

Comments can only be made in relation to published Agenda items

Any new items raised on the evening will be noted and added to the Agenda for the following meeting

The Annual Meeting of the Parish will still take place at 7.30pm on Thursday 26th May at St Mary’s Church, Chilton

Full minutes of meetings are available on from or on request from the Clerk for a fee of £3 for hard copies.