We hope you find the site useful, informative and beneficial for sharing and receiving information about our delightful village
Chilton is a very small village with an approximate population of just over 300.
A history of the village can be seen here
A small community like ours relies on communication, sharing, contribution and support and we hope that you find this website useful.
Green Space Updates
We have recently been awarded £40k in funding grants, which now puts the total raised towards infrastructure for the site at £54k – an amazing 83% of our total infrastructure target! These grants have been awarded by the FCC Communities Foundation, and Haddenham and Waddesdon Community Board. See the Project Management Plan (link below) for further details about how our budget is allocated.
The latest Project Scope/Project Management Plan for the Green Space project is available to download
Chilton Community Green Space Project – Project Scope and Project Management Plan – v0.5
Update: The Community Green Space steering group has set up a JustGiving page as part of the fundraising plan. This will be used for all local fundraising events, but donations of course welcome at any time!
Update: The fence is going in and the grass has been reseeded and rolled.