St Mary the Virgin Church, Chilton

Holy Communion using Common Worship occurs in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, December. Every Second Sunday at 10 a.m.

Special Services

Service DateStart TimeServiceNotes
Christmas Day11:00amChristmas Holy CommunionAll Welcome
16th December17:00Carol ServiceEverybody Welcome
10th December10:00 amHoly CommunionAll Welcome
2023-10-0811:00amHarvest FestivalAll Welcome
Sunday 9th July10:00 AMHoly CommunionAll Welcome
22nd May 202317:30AGMAll Welcome
14th May 202310:00amHoly CommunionAll Welcome
30th April 202310:00 AMBenefice Celebration Dogs' Service Download
9th April 20239:15 amEaster Sunday Download

Inside the church, looking east up the nave

Tomb of Sir John Croke and his wife, Elizabeth