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We would like to discuss overgrown grass verges and an area with overgrown trees and shrubs, location Princes Close.Question, is the Council or the Parish Council responsible for maintaining said area?
Please can we discuss the stiles in this area, many of which are in an urgent need of repair. I have taken some photos today (29th April) for the Parish Council to view.
Many thanks
I think something based around number 1 is my preferred option and I agree with the comments made at last nights parish council meeting, that we keep the main notice board at the village green site when it is finished, but a secondary one would work well at the phone box area.
A set of village stocks to be used for some of the more negative residents of the village might be worth considering too, great for raising funds and community spirit!
I like #1. It seems more in keeping with the village. I think the old village notice board should be kept though – after all in the long term it will be part of the village green hopefully and the centre of our lovely village.
Number 3 is the best in our view, with the tree seat and swing, but with woodchip path instead. railway sleepers are not a good idea as they get very slippery in the winter and would be quite dangerous.
the community board would be great , near the phone box , as it will make the phone box , bench and surrounding area be used .
Our preference of the 3 proposals is No. 1 as it looks like it flows , with the path .
Charlie’s comment was it looks like a real village !
Well done!
Telephone Box Landscaping
We have commissioned some ideas for landscaping the area surrounding the Phone Box Community Library.
Your feedback would be welcomed here to create a discussion about the proposals – these are only ideas and anyone is welcome to provide alternative ideas or suggest variations to the three published on the News Page