Erection of anaerobic digestion facility

Dear Chilton and Easington residents,
Last night (22nd May 2024) at the Chilton Parish Council AGM there was an item discussed on the agenda regarding the erection of an anaerobic digestion (AD) facility (comprising silage clamps, digester tanks, lagoons, administrative buildings, landscaping) on the south east side of Hornage Farm (Bicester Road, Chilton, Buckinghamshire, HP18 9SE).
Whilst Chilton Parish Council has the opportunity to comment as a consultee, as residents of the Parish you may also make a comment supporting or objecting to this application if you wish to do so.
To access the Buckinghamshire Council Planning site, you can follow this link and use the reference number CM/0022/22Simple Search ( On the site you will see all the case documents and all the previous comments for and against the application.
Best wishes
Chilton Parish Council
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